Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Google quit playing Cyborg

Google co-founder Sergey Brin demonstrates Google's new Glass,

Last week, Google Glasses made headlines because a woman in California got out of a speeding ticket because a police officer pulled her over without a radar gun reading and was suspicious of the Google Glasses she was wearing. She won because the police officer did not follow protocol.  The police officer stated he was going 80mph in the right lane when he was passed by the woman going 85mph looking like a cyborg. Technical legality, I will give you.

This week a man in Columbus, Ohio was pulled out of a movie for wearing the Glasses because of the thought of them being able to record and pirate the the movie. After questioning and reviewing the device, it was clear he was not recording.

My question is why are you driving with them on and why are you wearing them in a movie? There is no need for that. (A) You look like a Grade-A asshole (B) You are not auditioning for the next Star Trek movie.

Google has release 10,000 of these throughout the U.S. to test. It is suppose to be released to the public sometime later this year. Without the general public not knowing what these do, how do you expect the general populous to react? Walking into a movie, your only distraction should be your popcorn and your cup of cola.

I hope this product fails miserably. I saw someone with these on while out to eat on a Wednesday night.  I did not know the person, but I was quick to judge them as someone I did not want to talk to. We are fearful of the unknown and douchebaggery. Clean it up Google.

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