Saturday, January 11, 2014

Give the MLB credit

In the last 12 months, MLB  has suspended two of its biggest stars in Ryan Braun and now Alex Rodriguez. It comes as no surprise that A-Rod is suspended, but the decision by the arbitrator for the whole 2014 season is surprising. A-Rod will continue to whine like a newborn  French baby not realizing his parents( the Yankees) will not comfort him.

I think what makes baseball so great and held in such high regard because it is a reflection of American culture and integrity. The NFL is the King of America, but it is the King on steroids. Any true sports fan clings to ethos of baseball because it is more than the players and teams, it is the soul of America. We still get up in arms with the stunts the Baseball writers pull every year for the Hall of Fame vote. Do we care about any other Hall of Fame? No, not really.

Dan LeBatard, a sports writer from Miami with a HOF vote, gave his ballot to website DeadSpin. People were outraged. I thought it was hilarious and a great way of saying "Fuck You" to the establishment. The system is severely flawed and this was LeBatard's way of showing it.

It is a credit to baseball to suspend two of their superstars. The NFL played it into a real come back story when Ray Lewis came back after a torn tricep last season. The guy was 37 years old at the time. How does he naturally recover from a torn tricep in a few months naturally? You don't.  I know that, you know that, and the NFL definitely knows that. Roger Goddell and his 30 million dollar salary turn their head at PEDs.

Bud Selig may not be able to write an email, but he values the integrity of the sport over it's revenues.

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