Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nucs & Nuns

Anti-nuclear activists (from left) Gregory Boertje-Obed, Sister Megan Rice and Michael Walli, pictured Feb. 6 in Knoxville, Tenn., were sentenced to prison terms on Tuesday for the 2012 break-in at Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge.

If I have learned two things in life, you do not mess with are nuclear weapons and nuns. Both highly sophisticated and complicated creations. One created by God's work, the other created to prove there is no God. 84 year old Susan Rice received 3 year sentence in prison after breaking into a Nuclear Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. She preceded to sing bible verses and spread blood on the walls. Rice was super bummed out to find out she did not get life. This was her plea to the judge before the final sentence.

"Please have no leniency on me," Rice told the judge. "To remain in prison for the rest of my life would be the greatest honor you could give me."

Some of the most intimidating people I have met in my life were nuns. Always staring right through your soul. I can still remember crying after a playground fight in fear of seeing the Nun principal in elementary school. Those bitches ruled with an Iron Ruler.

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