Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What France Gave Us This Year

Marine Lorphelin and I are two asteroids destined for a crash course. I know what you are asking what does Miss France 2013 have in common with a couch surfing schlep? Glad you asked:

(1) We both speak (were taught French from a young age) French.
(2) Born on the same day.
(3) Both left handed.
(4) Think Pure Class when you see both of us.

(5) We both have a pure adultery dark side.

(6) We both appreciate Peacocks & Fashion.

(7) We both have been to the Eiffel Tower and participated in One.

(8)We Both Have Natural Bed Head.

(9) We Both Like Mermaids.

(10) We both have Harry Potter fantasies.

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