Friday, December 13, 2013

Kobe putting Old Man Rivers in his place

Say what you want about Kobe's lack of social graces at times, but props to him standing up to an old man rambling. Jim Brown was quoted saying Bryant was "confused about culture" because he grew up in Italy from the age of 6 to 13. Brown went on later to commit on how Brown would not have had invited Kobe to Brown's Black Economic Union that he founded and organized in the 60s.

Brown's attempt at insinuating that Kobe did not experience enough "black culture" is short sighted. Granted, the America that Brown grew up in was a lot different, but so was Kobe's generation. Kobe tackled the argument like a seasoned, cultured, International superstar that he is. Kobe responded with "what I've been trying to do, is try to educate out youth going forward, no matter what color skin you are-- just try to talk about having a bright future and how to help kids going forward and progress as a society as a whole."
For the two steps back Brown took it, Kobe proceeded to take three forward. Well done Kobe.

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